第二個是中年女遊客,她母親是越南人,父親的父母來自香港但父親在越南出生不懂廣東話。她自己在法屬新喀里多尼亞(New Caledonia)長大,新喀里多尼亞位於瓦里瓦圖以南、澳洲以東,面績約一萬八千六百公里。大學到巴黎的名校讀法律,做了一段時間律師儲夠錢,想做輕鬆自在的工作,現時在法國南部做酒店接待員。她約我並不想學廣東話,似乎只是想找個本地人聊天,於是我們邊吃點心邊練法文。
因為跟她相處蠻舒服,之後又陪她玩了一天,隨興行程是:在九龍公園散步,之後坐小輪到中環坐電車,電車經過蓮香居時衝下車,在蓮香居搭枱飲茶,從點心車搶點心,吃完走到文武廟,逛新聞博物館和大館,在中環街市喝點東西,去坐中環摩天輪。蓮香居比我印象中好,芝麻糕超好吃,摩天輪是她說本來已經買了票想坐,叫我一起,原來只要$20元一次(因為政府打劫原先的承辦商),時間也蠻久覺得很值,不過星期日頗多人排隊,我還以為要百多元,原來$160是包廂,如果是拍拖可以考慮。初見她只覺溫柔可人,是個有東方味的法國女人,好像只愛喝酒玩樂,聊下去發現其實讀書聰明,工作成功,但想做就做,了解自己想要甚麼又勇於追求,聊政治文化也有見地。其實坐電車又坐摩天輪非常之Before Sunrise,香港也很浪漫啊,我們也聊得很開心,唯一分別只是不是靚仔而是女。等過馬路時有個家人在講英文的金髮小孩瞪大眼睛盯著我們看,想必覺得很難理解兩個東亞樣子的人在講西方語言還不是英文。
第三個也是跟法國學校有關,是該校的西班牙文老師,她父母由突尼西亞移民到法國,她在法國出生,懂阿拉伯文但不精,大學在西班牙讀西班牙語言文學,丈夫是西班牙人,她來了香港六年 ,有學過廣東話,但程度不高。跟她見面最像上課,她雖然不是教法文,但也是教語言,非常懂溝通和教學,會根據我的程度選字和說明,三言兩語就將我的錯處解釋明白,到我教她的時候她還將最後十分鐘用來練習她剛學了的東西,很有計劃,跟她聊教育聊得很投契。應該可以一直上課。
第二個是中年女遊客,她母親是越南人,父親的父母來自香港但父親在越南出生不懂廣東話。她自己在法屬新喀里多尼亞(New Caledonia)長大,新喀里多尼亞位於瓦里瓦圖以南、澳洲以東,面績約一萬八千六百公里。大學到巴黎的名校讀法律,做了一段時間律師儲夠錢,想做輕鬆自在的工作,現時在法國南部做酒店接待員。她約我並不想學廣東話,似乎只是想找個本地人聊天,於是我們邊吃點心邊練法文。
因為跟她相處蠻舒服,之後又陪她玩了一天,隨興行程是:在九龍公園散步,之後坐小輪到中環坐電車,電車經過蓮香居時衝下車,在蓮香居搭枱飲茶,從點心車搶點心,吃完走到文武廟,逛新聞博物館和大館,在中環街市喝點東西,去坐中環摩天輪。蓮香居比我印象中好,芝麻糕超好吃,摩天輪是她說本來已經買了票想坐,叫我一起,原來只要$20元一次(因為政府打劫原先的承辦商),時間也蠻久覺得很值,不過星期日頗多人排隊,我還以為要百多元,原來$160是包廂,如果是拍拖可以考慮。初見她只覺溫柔可人,是個有東方味的法國女人,好像只愛喝酒玩樂,聊下去發現其實讀書聰明,工作成功,但想做就做,了解自己想要甚麼又勇於追求,聊政治文化也有見地。其實坐電車又坐摩天輪非常之Before Sunrise,香港也很浪漫啊,我們也聊得很開心,唯一分別只是不是靚仔而是女。等過馬路時有個家人在講英文的金髮小孩瞪大眼睛盯著我們看,想必覺得很難理解兩個東亞樣子的人在講西方語言還不是英文。
第三個也是跟法國學校有關,是該校的西班牙文老師,她父母由突尼西亞移民到法國,她在法國出生,懂阿拉伯文但不精,大學在西班牙讀西班牙語言文學,丈夫是西班牙人,她來了香港六年 ,有學過廣東話,但程度不高。跟她見面最像上課,她雖然不是教法文,但也是教語言,非常懂溝通和教學,會根據我的程度選字和說明,三言兩語就將我的錯處解釋明白,到我教她的時候她還將最後十分鐘用來練習她剛學了的東西,很有計劃,跟她聊教育聊得很投契。應該可以一直上課。
見到人講North and South (2004),走去睇發覺其實睇過,但重睇完覺得真係拍得好好,依家我嘅Period drama頭三位係Pride and Prejudice (1995)、Downton Abbey (2010-2015)、North and South (2004)。
North and South嘅議題好有意思,關於(北方)工業發展同(南方)傳統英國社會嘅衝突,唔同階級面對嘅問題。作者Elizabeth Gaskell本身係想用女主角個名Margaret Hale做小說名,係連載周刊嘅主編Charles Dickens堅持用North and South。故事同作者嘅經歷有關,故事中嘅北方工業城市Milton基本上係講佢住嘅Manchester。
去睇返原著發現電視版嘅好多場景都唔一樣,電視版非常善用畫面去講社會背景,可以話係改得比原著好睇。演員揀得好好,男主角完全演到嗰種外冷內熱,女主角係識發光(唔係淨係打燈打得靚,係有inner strength);演工會領袖Higgins嘅Brendan Coyle(Downton Abbey嘅Mr. Bates),演呢種高貴嘅低下階層演得好有說服力,可能係因為呢個角色所以搵佢演Downton Abbey。 唯一問題可能係啲角色太好,現實中好少咁嘅人。
Her cheeks burnt as she recollected how proudly she had implied an objection to trade (in the early days of their acquaintance), because it too often led to the deceit of passing off inferior for superior goods, in the one branch; of assuming credit for wealth and resources not possessed, in the other. She remembered Mr. Thornton’s look of calm disdain, as in few words he gave her to understand that, in the great scheme of commerce, all dishonourable ways of acting were sure to prove injurious in the long run, and that, testing such actions simply according to the poor standard of success, there was folly and not wisdom in all such, and every kind of deceit in trade, as well as in other things. She remembered—she, then strong in her own untempted truth—asking him, if he did not think that buying in the cheapest and selling in the dearest market proved some want of the transparent justice which is so intimately connected with the idea of truth: and she had used the word chivalric—and her father had corrected her with the higher word, Christian; and so drawn the argument upon himself, while she sate silent by with a slight feeling of contempt. (CHAPTER XXXVII) “Is Miss Hale so remarkable for truth?” said Mr. Thornton, bitterly. The moment he had done so, he could have bitten his tongue out. What was he? And why should he stab her with her shame in this way? How evil he was to-night: possessed by ill-humour at being detained so long from her; irritated by the mention of some name, because he thought it belonged to a more successful lover; now ill-tempered because he had been unable to cope, with a light heart, against one who was trying, by gay and careless speeches, to make the evening pass pleasantly away,—the kind old friend to all parties, whose manner by this time might be well known to Mr. Thornton, who had been acquainted with him for many years. And then to speak to Margaret as he had done! She did not get up and leave the room, as she had done in former days, when his abruptness or his temper had annoyed her. She sat quite still, after the first momentary glance of grieved surprise, that made her eyes look like some child’s who has met with an unexpected rebuff; they slowly dilated into mournful, reproachful sadness; and then they fell, and she bent over her work, and did not speak again. (CHAPTER XL)
She was getting surfeited of the eventless ease in which no struggle or endeavour was required. She was afraid lest she should even become sleepily deadened into forgetfulness of anything beyond the life which was lapping her round with luxury. There might be toilers and moilers there in London, but she never saw them; the very servants lived in an underground world of their own, of which she knew neither the hopes nor the fears; they only seemed to start into existence when some want or whim of their master and mistress needed them. There was a strange unsatisfied vacuum in Margaret’s heart and mode of life… (CHAPTER XLIV)
Time and space were not, though all other things seemed real. Every event was measured by the emotions of the mind, not by its actual existence, for existence it had none. (CHAPTER XLV)
“[…] I am only afraid I have thought and wished too much—in that absorbing wilful way which is sure to be disappointed—or else gratified, to the letter, while in the spirit it gives no pleasure.” (CHAPTER XLVIII)
“Take care.—If you do not speak—I shall claim you as my own in some strange presumptuous way.—Send me away at once, if I must go;—Margaret!—” (CHAPTER LII)
見到人講North and South (2004),走去睇發覺其實睇過,但重睇完覺得真係拍得好好,依家我嘅Period drama頭三位係Pride and Prejudice (1995)、Downton Abbey (2010-2015)、North and South (2004)。
North and South嘅議題好有意思,關於(北方)工業發展同(南方)傳統英國社會嘅衝突,唔同階級面對嘅問題。作者Elizabeth Gaskell本身係想用女主角個名Margaret Hale做小說名,係連載周刊嘅主編Charles Dickens堅持用North and South。故事同作者嘅經歷有關,故事中嘅北方工業城市Milton基本上係講佢住嘅Manchester。
去睇返原著發現電視版嘅好多場景都唔一樣,電視版非常善用畫面去講社會背景,可以話係改得比原著好睇。演員揀得好好,男主角完全演到嗰種外冷內熱,女主角係識發光(唔係淨係打燈打得靚,係有inner strength);演工會領袖Higgins嘅Brendan Coyle(Downton Abbey嘅Mr. Bates),演呢種高貴嘅低下階層演得好有說服力,可能係因為呢個角色所以搵佢演Downton Abbey。 唯一問題可能係啲角色太好,現實中好少咁嘅人。
Her cheeks burnt as she recollected how proudly she had implied an objection to trade (in the early days of their acquaintance), because it too often led to the deceit of passing off inferior for superior goods, in the one branch; of assuming credit for wealth and resources not possessed, in the other. She remembered Mr. Thornton’s look of calm disdain, as in few words he gave her to understand that, in the great scheme of commerce, all dishonourable ways of acting were sure to prove injurious in the long run, and that, testing such actions simply according to the poor standard of success, there was folly and not wisdom in all such, and every kind of deceit in trade, as well as in other things. She remembered—she, then strong in her own untempted truth—asking him, if he did not think that buying in the cheapest and selling in the dearest market proved some want of the transparent justice which is so intimately connected with the idea of truth: and she had used the word chivalric—and her father had corrected her with the higher word, Christian; and so drawn the argument upon himself, while she sate silent by with a slight feeling of contempt. (CHAPTER XXXVII) “Is Miss Hale so remarkable for truth?” said Mr. Thornton, bitterly. The moment he had done so, he could have bitten his tongue out. What was he? And why should he stab her with her shame in this way? How evil he was to-night: possessed by ill-humour at being detained so long from her; irritated by the mention of some name, because he thought it belonged to a more successful lover; now ill-tempered because he had been unable to cope, with a light heart, against one who was trying, by gay and careless speeches, to make the evening pass pleasantly away,—the kind old friend to all parties, whose manner by this time might be well known to Mr. Thornton, who had been acquainted with him for many years. And then to speak to Margaret as he had done! She did not get up and leave the room, as she had done in former days, when his abruptness or his temper had annoyed her. She sat quite still, after the first momentary glance of grieved surprise, that made her eyes look like some child’s who has met with an unexpected rebuff; they slowly dilated into mournful, reproachful sadness; and then they fell, and she bent over her work, and did not speak again. (CHAPTER XL)
She was getting surfeited of the eventless ease in which no struggle or endeavour was required. She was afraid lest she should even become sleepily deadened into forgetfulness of anything beyond the life which was lapping her round with luxury. There might be toilers and moilers there in London, but she never saw them; the very servants lived in an underground world of their own, of which she knew neither the hopes nor the fears; they only seemed to start into existence when some want or whim of their master and mistress needed them. There was a strange unsatisfied vacuum in Margaret’s heart and mode of life… (CHAPTER XLIV)
Time and space were not, though all other things seemed real. Every event was measured by the emotions of the mind, not by its actual existence, for existence it had none. (CHAPTER XLV)
“[…] I am only afraid I have thought and wished too much—in that absorbing wilful way which is sure to be disappointed—or else gratified, to the letter, while in the spirit it gives no pleasure.” (CHAPTER XLVIII)
“Take care.—If you do not speak—I shall claim you as my own in some strange presumptuous way.—Send me away at once, if I must go;—Margaret!—” (CHAPTER LII)
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